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Sewer Lateral Inspection Program Specifications


Sewer Lateral Inspection Application 



What is the sewer lateral inspection program?

A. In November, 2019 the District Board of Directors adopted the Sewer Lateral Ordinance. This ordinance requires an evaluation of each residential property’s sewer lateral for condition and potential illegal connections. It’s part of the District’s philosophy of environmental stewardship and its focus on efficient infrastructure and operations. The ordinance will help keep your wastewater rates as low as possible while protecting the environment.

Sewer Lateral Ordinance

 What is the typical cost to repair a sewer lateral?

A. About $8,000-$15,000, depending on where it is located and whether it is under pavement. It could be more or less depending on circumstances.

What is the Sewer Lateral Assistance Program?

A. Repair or replacement of the sewer lateral is the responsibility of the property owner – but we can help! The District’s Lateral Replacement Loan Program helps homeowners finance the work with a low interest (2%) loan of up to $15,000. For more information, visit the District’s “Sewer Lateral Assistance” web page.

Why should sewer laterals be kept in good repair?

A. Improperly maintained sewer laterals can cause sewer spills or backups, and can also allow large amounts of stormwater to seep into the system from the soil causing excessive wastewater flow. When an unusually excessive flow occurs, it increases the potential for sewer overflow spills, and requires the treatment plant to incur higher processing costs.

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